Step Back in Time and visit the ghost towns around Ouray
在奥雷、西弗顿和特柳赖德地区有许多鬼城. Some of these former mining towns were small, inhabited by only a few people, while others had thousands of residents. Most ghost towns in the area, due to the difficult and unforgiving long winter months, are now bare sites with only a few buildings still standing. These historical ruins are “true ghosts.” You'll find shadows of the past. There are towns that can be reached by passenger car, 但大多数位于偏远地区,只有四轮驱动才能到达.
Visit these ghost towns and step back in time. 站在摇摇欲坠的棚屋里,这里曾经住着寻找财富的勇敢的灵魂. Even when you're physically there, 很难想象那些曾经在寒冷的地下数千英尺工作的人所经历的艰辛, dirty, and dreary conditions.
In your exploration of these abandoned mine sites, be extremely cautious of any unprotected portals and shafts. Do not allow children to wander unsupervised. Please leave the sites the way you found them. 难道不带走这些遗址的任何历史碎片,从而进一步破坏这些遗址吗.
Ghost Towns Accessible by Passenger Car
Camp Bird Mine
Established in 1896 by Thomas Walsh. One of the richest and most famous mines in the world, the mine produced over $26,000,000 in gold between 1896 and 1910. 1995年,这家工厂被卖给了加拿大公司蒙古黄金公司(Mongolian Gold). The mill was disassembled, shipped to Mongolia, 并重新组装使用,其容量明显小于伯德营地矿的情况.
Red Mountain Town
位于550号高速公路附近的红山山口,这是国家贝尔矿的所在地. 在红山镇蓬勃发展的岁月里,有多达1万名居民居住在这里. In all of its glory, it had over 100 businesses, a post office, jail, schools, newspapers, saloons, and gambling halls. 冬天非常艰苦,只有最粗壮的人才会留下来. Several fires between 1892 and 1937 nearly leveled the town. However, regardless of how difficult the environment is, over thirty million dollars in gold, silver, lead, zinc, and copper has been taken out of this area. 你可以从550号高速公路上的Idarado矿山岔道俯瞰这个小镇,或者把车停在红山隘口地区,然后徒步进入小镇.
Ironton Townsite
Ironton, founded in 1883 at 9,800 feet elevation, 位于红山矿区的北端. It was an extremely wealthy town, 重要的交通枢纽和舞台和供应中心. 这个地区的水中含有硫酸,它腐蚀了矿井中使用的金属机械. 这是导致该地区矿山关闭的主要因素. The population was between 800 and 1,000. This included mines and boarding houses in outlying areas. Several buildings are still standing. Through a grant providing funds for stabilization, 红山项目目前正在稳定三所房子中的两所,这三所房子曾经是艾尔顿镇.
Joker Tunnel and Boarding House
位于百万美元高速公路1-1/2英里以南的铁顿镇的网站. 它建立于1902年,目的是将富含矿藏的水排到更远的南方. 这座美丽的寄宿公寓自豪地矗立着,提醒着它的过去和繁荣的矿业繁荣.
Located at 11,800 feet, off Hwy 62 south of Telluride, 阿尔塔是一个活跃的采矿营地,但从未合并为一个城镇. Its top population was 100 during the gold boom. 小木屋、寄宿公寓和外屋建筑仍然屹立不倒. 一个美丽的湖泊坐落在离场地不远的路上.
Animas Forks
Established in 1875 at 11,180 feet elevation, 当地居民曾夸口说阿尼玛斯福克斯是世界上最大的城市... at this altitude. 免费提供土地和帮助建房吸引了1000多名居民来到该镇. 阿尼玛斯福克斯为该地区的许多矿山服务,主要是Placer Gulch上端的金王子. 这个小镇在19世纪70年代和80年代蓬勃发展,但到了20世纪20年代,它基本上被遗弃了. The town was plagued by avalanches, 它经常摧毁建筑物,阻止游客进入,阻止居民离开. There is currently a wide variety of buildings still standing. Thomas Walsh owned the large home with the bay window in Animas, just prior to his famous strike at Camp Bird.
Ghost Towns Accessible By Four-Wheel Drive Only
Tomboy Mine
This mine was established in 1880 at an elevation of 11,500 feet in a glacial cirque known as Savage Basin. 1897年,该矿以200万美元的价格卖给了伦敦的罗斯柴尔德家族. 假小子矿的高峰时期有900个顽强的灵魂,但在1927年矿石耗尽后关闭了, however, not before producing millions of dollars in gold. In the early twentieth century, 这个地方启发了哈丽特·菲什·巴克斯写她的回忆录《LOL外围在哪里买》. 这个矿位于伊莫金山口公路上离走私者一英里的地方. 在尝试参观这个鬼城之前,请确保您是一名有经验的四轮车司机,或者您可以参加当地的旅游. 伊莫金是科罗拉多州第二高的通行证,在难度和危险方面被评为4/5分(满分5分).
Governor Basin
这是一个海拔极高的盆地,是弗吉尼亚和山顶矿的所在地. Both mines are situated above 12,000 feet. 山顶煤矿的寄宿公寓至今仍屹立不倒.
Capitol City
George T. 李设想他的城市将被命名为科罗拉多州的新国会大厦, instead of Denver, founded Capitol City in 1876. 他甚至建造了一座砖房,为他希望最终被任命为州长做准备. 邮局成立于1877年,但于1920年停止. In 1885 the population was only 120.
Tobasco Cabin
托巴斯科小屋是托巴斯科金矿和米尔金矿的最后一座建筑,位于湖城和西尔弗顿之间的肉桂山口山顶附近, CO. The cabin was constructed c.1902 and is the last remaining structure of the operation.
Carson City
Carson is one of Colorado's most inaccessible camps, situated at 12,000 feet atop the Continental Divide. 该地点距离阿尔卑斯环路4英里,距离阿尼玛斯福克斯约15英里. If you have the means and the time to reach this site, 您将欣赏到壮观的景色和一系列历史建筑,让您对真正的采矿营地的样子有一个很好的了解. 它成立于1882年,其鼎盛时期是在19世纪90年代和20世纪初. 冬季和进入这一特殊地区的交通困难是它最终毁灭的原因.
Revenue Tunnel & Virginius Mine
This operation was established in 1876 and shipped $27,000,000 worth of gold and silver between 1876 and the late 1940s.
Atlas Mill
位于收入磨坊和隧道之外的是阿特拉斯磨坊的遗迹. 从19世纪90年代到20世纪20年代,它从阿特拉斯矿生产白银和黄金.
Town of Guston
这个小镇建于19世纪80年代中期,为三个非常大而丰富的矿山提供服务, the Guston-Robinson, the Yankee Girl, and the Genesee-Vanderbilt. The peak population was 1,000. Guston had the only church in the area for many years. 一位老矿工捐赠了一个矿井哨子,刺耳的声音把周围的人召集到教堂做礼拜.